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Ardelle Hirsch
images & words
Autumn sets the color and cadence for infinite mortality and rebirth
An orchestrated signal cues the dirge,
a canopy of color,
all aglow
seeps through secret spaces,
a brilliant purge,
autumnal tapestries;
a gaudy show.
Cathartic cleanse in soundless splendor falls,
Cascades of shimmery,
glittery, ragged mold,
Besplattered crusty leaflettes, all
afloat descend in wafts of red and gold.
Kaleidoscope of amber orbs, caught
in golden molten bleeds of sequined sun,
as giddy globs enchant without a thought.
Behold, euphoric death, all life undone.
And in the fearless letting go, no clue -
in quiet crunchy slumber, life renews.
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